About David


I’m a Certified Performance Coach, corporate leader, father, husband, and proud Canadian (Oh Canada!) who has spent the last two decades in the technology industry.

My Mission

To create the world’s most influential leaders.

David Fung Leadership coaching

My Story

My leadership journey started in a Fortune 500 organization where I built and managed teams of all sizes, from small and scrappy to large, diverse, multigenerational teams. I have hired a lot of people over the years and developed an eye for identifying great talent.

I’ve made the mistakes that new and experienced leaders make, from micromanaging my team to hiring the wrong person to not delegating effectively. I’ve also felt the agonizing emotions involved in letting team members go, navigating change, and influencing my business partners in bureaucratic organizations.

I understand the challenges and pressures that come with being a leader, as I have likely faced many of the same ones as you. It's not always an easy path, but I'd like to offer my support and be there for you in your leadership journey.

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Leadership Coaching 1-on-1

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